Bharatnatyam Adavus


 Bharatnatyam Adavus: 

Adavus for beginners

Bharatnatyam Adavus

Bharatnatyam Adavus :-
  • Tatta Adavu
  • Nattu Adavu 
  • Tirmanam Adavu 
  • vessi Adavu 
  • pakka Adavu
  • Mettu Adavu 
  • Tattu-Mettu Adavu 
  • Mandi Adavu 
  • Kudhichu Adavu
  • Sarikkal Adavu
  • .Shutru Adavu
  • Periya Adavu
  • Etta adavu

1. Tatta Adavu:  Tatta is to beat.  The body is in aramandi and the feet strike the floor alternately with the sole.  There are 6 different variations in this category.

Thaiya Thai – Tap once in each leg.

Thaiya Thaihe – Tap twice in each leg.

Thai Thai Tham – Tap 3times in each leg.

Thaiyathaihe – 4 times

Thaiya Thaithaitham – 5 times

Thaithaitham Thaithaitham – 6 times

Hand : Patakum stretch your hand to the sides straight like pushing the 2 walls.

2. Nattu Adavu:

Bharatnatyam Adavus

Nattu means to stretch. From the aramandi, one leg is stretched outwards striking the floor with the heel & is then brought to the original position,beating the floor with the sole. The same movement is repeated on the other side.

This can be varied by repeating the above movement with the leg stretched straight to the front or by placing one foot raised on the toes behind the other.

Thaiyum Thatha – Stretch leg to the side & on the heels once on each side.

Thaiyumthatha Thayumthaha – 2 times on each side

Hand: Thirupatakam stretch your hand to the sides do Thaiyum (IN) & Thatha (OUT).

Thaiyum Thatha Thayumthaha: for thayumthaha, the right leg goes back & comes out, the Hand comes near the chest in & out then stretch out & in.

Thaiyum Thatha Thai thai diddidthai:  right leg goes front & then back the body stretches then the leg comes out & does dithdiththai in the side.

Hand: Stretches diagonally & goes up when leg goes back then comes near the chest in & out then stretch out & in. Body should bend too.

 3.Tirmanam Adavu 

Bharatnatyam Adavus

 Thirmana adavu :-

First Trimanam

Thai Dith dith thai 

Second  Trimanam

Thai Thai Dith dith thai

Third  Trimanam

Thai Thai Thai dith dith thai 

Bharatnatyam Adavus


1.Dith dith thai – right leg goes on the heels in the front then tap left leg & then the right leg back to place. Repeat the same in left too.

2.Thai Dith dith thai – tap once then do as above

3.Thai Thai Dith dith thai – tap twice then do as dithdith thai

4.Thai Thai Thai dith dith thai -  3times then dithdith thai

All the 3 together:

 Thai Dith dith thai -

Thai Thai Dith dith thai - 2

Thai Thai Thai dith dith thai – 3

Hands:  Thirupatakam both hands near the chest.

For Dith dith thai:

Dith :  when you stretch the leg stretch your hand hand facing up

Dith :  Tap the left leg in position, hand also to position(in front of your chest)

Thai :  right leg back to position, hand goes backward, face also turns to see the tirupatakam.

 When you do 1, 2 & 3 the hand will be in position & will move only when we do dithdith thai.

Second hand gesture: stretch your hands to the sides patakam

(Dith) for right leg, left hand goes up like Plane takeoff then (dith) makes a turn & (thai) comes down like padmakosa, eyes moves along with the hands.

Bharatnatyam Adavus :-

Bharatnatyam Adavus

 4.Veesi Adavu : The heel strikes the floor, is thrust forward, raised and brought back to original position, with both the body and the foot describing an arc.

 a.Thayum Thatha Thayum Thaha:  Stretch right leg to the front tap the left leg then bring right back to position & tap left.

Hand:  half sit katakamukha at the chest then bend & touch the toes padmakosa.

 b. Thayum Thatha Thayum Thaha:  stretch right leg to the right on heels ( body faces front) then turn the leg & balance on toes then bring it front & back to position.(body turns       to the left when right leg is stretched)

Hand:  Stretch the hand diagonally, padmakosha when the right leg on heels then when you balance on toes it is katakamukha.

 5.Pakka Adavu: Pakka means side.  The accent here is on movement which is either sideways or diagonally towards the corners.

 Thak Kita Thak Kita :  jump to your right with your right leg & left leg at the back of right & tap your right again jump to the center with both the legs & tap once in each leg then jump to your left with right leg at the back tap your left leg then back to center.

 Hand:  if jumping to your right then left hand dolai & right hand padmakosha & katamukha when back to position. Same thing in your left.

6.Mettu Adavu Tha thai thai tha: side way step.  Tha: First tap your right leg in position then thai: make a jump to the right thai left leg goes back of right leg tha tap your right leg.

Dith thai thai tha:  bring the left leg which is at back to the position then jump to the left & now the right leg goes back of left….continue this on left & right legs.

 Hand: Katak mukha in position (tha) when you move right ,(thai) right hand padmakosa (thai)make a semi circle  & (tha) bring it back to position…eye moves along the hands ,same thing in left.

Bharatnatyam Advus :-

7.Tattu-Mettu Adavu:  Tattu Mettu means to strike & beat.  The foot strikes the floor is raised on its toes, and beats the floor with the heals.

Thak Kitha:  Aramandi :  Tap right left then left leg on toes.(same leg)

Hand: hold right pointer finger with your left hand above your head.

Thak Ka Dhimi: (Thak) Tap right the (Ka)lift on toes & (dhimi) then left leg on toes.

Hand: hold right pointer finger with your left hand above your head.

 Thak Ka Thakita:  (Thak Ka tha)tap pause tap then lift leg on toes & back to position.

 Seven:  7 Thak Ka Dhimi, 4 Thak Ka Thakita & 4 Thak kita then

Thaithai dith dith thai : (thai) – right leg goes back of left leg on toes (thai) tap your left leg then do dithdiththai with your right leg. ( this we use mostly in varnam)

8.MANDI Adavu: It derives its name because the movement consists of jumping on toes & resting one knee on the floor while the body rests on heels.

Full sit on toes: 

A) Tham thitham(jump) thai thathathai(knee down):  Jump then put your right knee down then jump & put your left knee down.

Same thing 2 times in each leg.

Hand:  thirupatakam in both your hands, when you jump on your toes which ever side you are going to put your knee down that hand will be out facing up when the knee touches the ground you turn it around facing down.

 B) Tham thitham(jump) thai thathathai: turn your body to the right side, stretch your left leg on toes while u sit on your right leg toes. Same thing on left: jump & turn your body to left, stretch your right leg & sit on left leg toes.

Hand: Jump – shikara(thumbs up)  in both your hands then when you stretch your left leg then left hand stretches to the right & becomes ardha chandra while your right hand stays in place like shikara. Same thing on left.

You can vary this hand gesture by having thirupatakam.  When you jump on toes its thirupatakam at your chest when you stretch your left leg the right hand goes up as thirupatakam, when you do left, right leg stretches leg hand goes up.

 9.Kudhichu Adavu Kuddichu means literally means jump and beat.  Both the feet are raised on toes with a slight jump and then strike the floor together with heels.

 Thayum Thatha Thayum Thaha(Toe heels) Aramandi: (Thayum) Jump on toes then(Thatha & thaha) drop the heels down.

 Hand: (Thayum )Padmakosha then (Thatha & thaha) katakamukha. Once you do outside then cross your hand in the chest & repeat the same hand gesture (open, close) for the second thayum.

ThaiThai dithdiththai thaa:  Jump on toes put the right leg down & left leg dithdiththai.& tap right for thaa.  Then jump & put down your left leg & do dithdiththai in your right leg.

Hand:  Jump:  Left stretch patakam, right hand padmakosha then when you put down your right leg the hand goes up as katakamukha then comes diagonally when you do left leg didiththai. & back to position to the chest as katakamukha.  Thaa:  Both hands patakam

Left:  right hand patakam left katakamukha & padmakosha, Patakam. 

Bharatnatyam Adavus

 10.Sarikkal Adavu: Sarikkal means to slide.  The foot stretched with the heel touching the floor, is made to slide without raising it from the ground and is brought to the sthanaka or same position. 

 The other foot is raised on the heel and both beat the floor with a slight jump.
 Dirthaka diruthaka, diruthaka thalanga thom thai didth didth thai: (Standing) Drag the left leg & tap the right leg & go 3 times backward then jump and tap thaididth didth thai.
Hand:  katakamukha (up)& padmakosha(down) katakamukha left hand up & jump with right hand padmakosha then thaididthdidththai(aeroplane).
 Thai   didth thai   thaididithai:  Tap right leg & jump right side & do thaididdiththai, same thing on left.
Hand:  katakamukha left hand up & jump with right hand padmakosha then thaididthndidththai(aeroplane).

 11.Shutru Adavu: Shutru means to whirl.  It is easily identifiable by the swirling movements involved.  One foot balances the body while the dancer whirls around the other foot.
Thayum Thatha thaididithai:  Jump on your toes then take a self round then do thaididithai.
Right leg goes back, take a left turn & do thaididithai with your right leg. Same thing in the left. 
Hand:  right hand katakamukha when you make a left turn its padmakosha & katakamuha when you do thaididithai. (Its like plucking a flower & sweeping).  Count 8 times when you    make a round.
12. Periya Adavu:  to cover large distances.
Thayum Thatha thaididithai:  Same as above, do sideways with both hands.  Jump move right with your left leg at the back, count 8 then do thaididithai with left leg. Same thing move left with your right leg back.
Hand:  Both hand jump katakamukha then make a round with padmakosha & katakamukha when you end with thaididithai (back to front).

 13. Etta adavu Etta means to reach out. The adavu derives its name from the movements of the legs, which are stretched to the utmost limit.  The foot strikes the floor alternately and both are raised on the balls of the feet with a slight jump.  One foot is brought back to the tatta position while the other is balanced on the toes.  The body should be in aramandi thoughout the sequences of movements.
Thatthai thaa haa dith thai thaa haa:  Tap right then left & jump, put the right leg down then tap left & right then jump put your left leg down(do this 4 times)then start your left, tap  the left leg, jump, put the left leg down then tap right.
Diththai diththai:  then jump on toes put your right leg down then jump put your left leg down(4time) repeat the same starting in your left leg.
Hand:  Thirupatakam: Thath:  right hand thirupatakam facing up while left will be in chest closed when you tap right leg then (Thai)swing to the left when you tap your left leg, (thaa)then jump on toes with your right hand closed & left hand stretched closed (haa) open your right hand, same thing in your left.

(Dith)Left hand thirupatakam facing up while right will be in chest closed when you tap left leg then (Thai)swing to the right when you tap your  right leg, (thaa)then jump on toes   with your left hand closed & right hand stretched closed (haa) open your left hand, same thing in your right.

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