Difference between nritta nritya and natya


Difference between nritta nritya and natya

Difference between nritta nritya and natya

* Difference between nritta nritya and natya : - Natya means dramatic representation or drama with speech, music and dancing. According to Abhinaya Darpanam, Natya or Nataka has some traditional story for its theme is an adorable (art).

 * Nritya – Nritya corresponds to the mime performed to the song. That is in other words, it is the Interpretative dance.

* Nritta:- Nritta corresponds to pure dance steps performed rhythmically. Here the movements of the body do not convey any mood or meaning and its purpose is just creating beauty by making various patterns, lines in space and time. 

Acording to the “Nandikeswara’s Abhinaya Darpana these are three basic elements Nritta, Natya, Nritya”

  Difference Between :-




Natya corresponds to drama. Natya means dramatic representation or drama with speech, music and dancing. According to Abhinaya Darpanam, Natya or Nataka has some traditional story for its theme is an adorable (art).

Nritya corresponds to the mime performed to the song. That is in other words, it is the Interpretative dance. The vaachikaabhinaya of natya where the actors themselves use speech, is replaced by the music and song which accompanies dance. According to Abhinaya Darpanam that dance which relates to Sentiment (rasa) and Psychological Staes (bhaava) is called nritya.

Nritta corresponds to pure dance steps performed rhythmically. Here the movements of the body do not convey any mood or meaning and its purpose is just creating beauty by making various patterns, lines in space and time. According to Abhinaya Darpanam, dance which does not relate to any Psychological State (bhaava) is called nritta.

For example:-  mention that while learning the art of Bharatnatyam, the sequence of Nritta, Nritya, and Natya are followed. The starting items, Alarippu, Kauthuvam, Jathiswaram all come under Nritta. These are followed by Swarajathi, Sabdam and Varnam which come under Nritya and finally the Padams come under the Natya category.

Explain that the movements of Nritta, Nritya and Natya should always be in concordance with the primary standards of Dance. Laya found in Nritta in combination with Bhava becomes Nritya, which in turn when combined with gestures and actions becomes Natya. Natya will ultimately be impressive as well as effective only when there is a harmony between the bodily movements of the dance and emotional expressions of the abhinaya. All great dancers display a perfect blend of all three in each of their performances.

 * Explain with the help of examples the difference between Natya, Nritya and Nritta?(250 words)

Key demand of the question

The question expects us to explain the basic difference between the three terms mentioned above. In examples, we can take any of the classical Indian dance forms and examine the style in which it is performed, falls under which of the three – Nritya, Natya and Nritta

Structure of the answer

Introduction – Explain that according to the Abhinaya Darpanam, the Sangitaratnakara and other medieval treatises, dance is divided into three distinct categories, that is, natya, nritya and nritta.

Body – Explain the difference between the three

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